Sunday 25 January 2015

Ashatnga Vinyasa third Posture ( Sun Salutation A) - Padhastanasana -( An Ashatnag Yoga Primary Series Posture)

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Ashatnga Vinyasa third Posture ( Sun Salutation A) - Padhastanasana

Ashatnga Vinyasa Sun Salutation A Posture third Padhastasana - Arms with foot pose
help to stretch thigh muscles as well calf muscles gives benefits with your legs muscles stretchings.
For More about Ashatnga Vinyasa Primary Series please visit

1 comment:

  1. Weight loss
    The practice of Surya Namaskar ("Greetings to the sun") and pranayama Kapalbhati (abdominal breathing) are two of the different techniques that yoga offers for weight

    loss. Also, over time, practitioners tend to become more sensitive about the kind of food they eat and the right time to do it. This also helps maintain weight



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